1766 Belgium Census -Province of Luxembourg
In 1766, in what is now known as the Province of Luxembourg, Belgium was comprised of a collection of Duchies and counties. In the 1766 Belgium census (denombrement), provided at FamilySearch.org, was recorded, not by ruling leaders of these counties and Duchies, but by the Roman Catholic church. The church seemed to be the governing institution at the time and recorded the parish records, as well as this census. The regions were separated into ‘decanats (deanships) of the Roman Catholic Church. Each town had a parish they belong to.. Towns that are listed below, now reside in the Province of Luxembourg, Wallonia, Belgium.
As part of “Making French Genealogy Easier” (and Wallonia, Belgium) philosophy, I’ve created this page to help you by arranging each town alphabetically with links to that’s town’s census records at FamilySearch. I do this, so you don’t have to.
Please note:
- Some of these towns might not exist anymore
- Some of these towns might have name changes, spellings or new name all together
- Some of these towns might have been combined with another village to make a new village, with a different name
- If you find mistakes, please contact me
You’ll need to sign in to FamilySearch or create an account with them in order to view the images. It’s free.
Below is what you can find from the 1766 census.
- Households
- Names of men above the age of 16 years old
- occupation
- names of females over the age of 14
- names of boy under the age of 16
- names of girls under the age of 14
- number of marriages
Province of Luxembourg
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Achouffe (parish of Wibrin)
Acû (parish of Tillet)
Aisne (parish of Heid)
Ansart (parish of Tintigny)
Arloncourt (parish of Noville)
Assenois (parish of Longlier)
Auby (parish of Cugnon)
Awenne (parish of Masbourg)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Baconfoy (parish of Etheniville)
Bande (parish of Roy)
Barzin (Parish of Wellin)
Beaulieu (parish of Erneuville)
Beausaint (parish of Vecquemont)
Bebange (parish of Messancy et Habergy)
Beche (parish of Vielsalm)
Becharpre (parish of Vielsalm)
Bèheme (parish of Anliers)
Bellefontaine (parish of Tintigny)
Belle-uve (parish of Erneuville)
Belmont (parish of Ethe)
Benaumont (parish of Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Benasse (parish of Dochamps)
Benochamps (parish of Harzy)
Berismenil (parish of Samré)
Bernimont (parish of Longlier)
Bernimont (parish of Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Bersisles (parish of Grand Menil)
Bernimont (parish of Longliers)
Bethomont (parish of Bertogne)
Beury (parish of Villers Sainte Gertrude)
Biourge (parish of Orgeo)
Bisori (parish of Bastogne)
Blier (parish of Fisenne)
Bodange (parish of Fauvillers)
Bohon (parish of Barvaux-sur-Ourthe)
Bois de la Moulle (parish of Grand Menil)
Bonnert (parish of Arlon)
Bonneru (parish of Vellereux)
Bonrue (parish of Tillet)
Bougnimont (parish of Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Bourdon (parish of Marche)
Bras (parish of Wardin)
Breuvenne (parish of Tintigny)
Briscot (parish of Erezé)
Brul (parish of Houmont)
Bulles (parish of Jamoigne)
Buret (parish of Boeur)
Burnon (parish of Stralchamps)
Burtonville (parish of Vielsalm)
Buzenol (parish of Etalle)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Censes (parish of Tailles)
Cetteru (parish of Tavigny)
Champlon-Famenne – Search B.M.S.
Champs (Parish of Longchamps)
Chanly (Parish of Wellin)
Chantemelle (parish of Vance)
Charmoy (parish of Izel)
Charneux (Parish of Waha)
Chauveheids (parish of Tailles)
Chavanne (Parish of Waha)
Chêne (parish of Eblie)
Chenet (parish of Bercheux)
Chesne-al-Pierre (parish of Grandmenil)
Chesne/Chêne (parish of Witry)
Chioux (parish of Hodister)
Chioux (parish of Rendeux Ste Marie)
Chisogne (parish of Tillet)
Ciereux (parish of Vielsalm)
Clercheid (parish of Erezé)
Collard (parish of Tailles)
Commanster (parish of Vielsalm)
Conque (Abbaye d’Orval)
Couvreux (parish of Montquitin)
Custeumont (parish of Longlier)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Dairomont (parish of Vielsalm)
Dampicourt (parish of Montquintin)
Davantave (parish of Marcourt)
Dessouis le Bois (parish of Fisenne)
Destiné (parish of Erezé)
Devantave (parish of Dochamps)
Differt (parish of Musson)
Dine (parish of Saint Urbain)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Engreux (parish of Vellereux)
Ennal (parish of Vielsalm)
Erpigny (parish of Erezé)
Euschen (parish of Arlon)
Eveaux (parish of Weris)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Fanzel (parish of Weris)
Farnieres (parish of Vielsalm)
Fauxbourg de la Roche et Harzes (parish of Vecmont)
Fauxbourg de la de Virton (parish of Virton)
Fay (parish of Longchamps)
Fay (Parish of Wellin)
Fays (parish of Villers Sainte Gertrude)
Fineux (parish of Longlier)
Flamizoul (Parish of Longchamps)
Flochimont (Saint-Pierre Chevigny ?)
Fond (parish of Tailles)
Fontenoille (parish of Sainte Cecile)
Fosset (parish of Amberloupe)
Foriere (parish of Nassogne)
Fouches (parish of Hachy)
Fratin (parish of Sainte-Marie)
Frassem (parish of Arlon)
Frenois (parish of Jamoigne)
Freux (parish of Vesqueville)
Freyneux (parish of Dochamps)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Gernéchamps (parish of Arbrefontaine)
Gennevaux (parish of Musson)
Gennes (parish of Hodister)
Genveaux (parish of Eglise)
Gerimont (parish of Longlier)
Gerimont (parish of Tillet)
Givry (parish of Ethe)
Glaireuse (parish of Villance)
Gomery (parish of Bleid)
Goronne (parish of Arbrefontaine)
Goronne (parish of Vielsalm)
Grand-Champs (parish of Erneuville)
Grand-Court (parish of Ruette)
Grande-Eneille (parish of Eneilles)
Grand-Halleux (parish of Halleux)
Grandes-Halleux (parish of Vielsalm)
Grandrue (parish of Hompres)
Grand-Tru (parish of Villers Sainte Gertrude)
Grand-Voir (parish of Longlier)
Grapfontaine (parish of Longlier)
Grendel (parish of Attert)
Gribomont (parish of Orgeo)
Grimbiemont (parish of Marche)
Grune (parish of Nassogne)
Grupont (parish of Bure)
Gommery (parish of Bleid)
Goniprez (parish of Boeur)
Gottan (parish of Aye)
Guelff (parish of Habergy)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Habaru (parish of Eglise)
Habay-la-neuve (parish of Anlier)
Halma (Parish of Wellin)
Hamawé (parish of Ethe)
Hamiprez (parish of Longlier)
Hamoulle (parish of Rendeux Ste Marie)
Hampteau (parish of Melreux)
Hampteau (parish of Rendeux Ste Marie)
Han (parish of Tintigny)
Harfontaine (parish of Longlier)
Harinsart (parish of Villers-sur-Semois)
Harnoncourt (parish of Rouveroy)
Harsin (parish of Nassogne)
Haseille (parish of Erezé)
Hassonville (Parish of Waha)
Herbaimont (parish of Amberloup)
Herbot (parish of Bomal)
Hermane (parish of Tohogne)
Hoffeld (parish of Hachiville)
Hogne (Parish of Aye)
Hollange (parish of Sentéz les Hesses)
Honville (parish of Sentéz les Hesses)
Hosseux (parish of Longlier)
Hotte (parish of Fauvillers)
Hotton (parish of Melreux)
Houdimont (parish of Tintigny)
Houdrigny (parish of Tonnelalong)
Houmar (parish of Tohogne)
Houmar-le-Petit (parish of Tohogne)
Hoursinne (parish of Weris)
Houst (parish of Vielsalm)
Hubermont (parish of Loupville)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Isle-la-hesse et Moulin de Hemrout (parish of Bastogne)
Isle-le-prez (parish of Bastogne)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Jamodenne (Parish of Aye)
Jemeppe (parish of On)
Jemeppe Saint Martin (parish of Saint Martin)
Jeseret (parish of Bercheux)
Jodenuille (parish of Sibrêt)
Journal (parish of Champlon)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Kologne (Parish of Waha)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
La Basse Bras (parish of Bras)
La Basse Ramot (parish of Tenneville)
La Claireau (parish of Ethe)
La Comte (parish of Vielsalm)
La Cusinne (parish of Chiny)
La Forge (parish of Weris)
La Hage (parish of Tintigny)
La Haute Bras (parish of Bras)
La Haute Ramont (parish of Tenneville)
La Herye (parish of Longlier)
La Morteau (parish of Montquintin)
La Mouline (parish of Saint-Pierre Chevigny)
La Roche-a-fresne (parish of Villers Sainte Gertrude)
La Tour (parish of Ethe)
La Vacherie (parish of Amberloup)
La Veaux (parish of Hives)
La Veaux (parish of Eglise)
Laichet (parish of Chassepierre)
Lambermont (parish of Muno)
Landuscy (parish of My)
Lecheret (parish of Bercheux)
Legny (parish of Heid)
Les Censes et Moulins (parish of Arlon)
Lenclos (parish of Etalle)
Lesse (parish of Redu)
Libin-Bas (parish of Libin)
Libin-Haut (parish of Libin)
Libramont (parish of Saint Pierre Chevigny)
Lignieres (Parish of Waha)
Lischer (parish of Thiaumont)
Livarchamps (parish of Sentéz Les Hesses)
Loherey (parish of Heyd)
Lomprez (Parish of Wellin)
Lorcy (Parish of Arville)
Lottert (parish of Thiaumont)
Loufflaimont (parish of Anliers)
Loutrubois (parish of Villers la Bonne Eau)
Loutrumange (parish of Villers la Bonne Eau)
Lucerie (parish of Bastogne)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Maboge (parish of Somré)
Mageret (parish of Harsy)
Magerotte (parish of Houmont)
Magery (parish of Houmont)
Magoster (parish of Soy)
Maisoncelle (parish of Eblie)
Marbay (parish of Longlier)
Marbchand (parish of Villers-sur-Semois)
Marcouray (parish of Marcourt)
Martinsart (parish of Villers-sur-Semois)
Martilly (parish of Orgeo)
Martu (parish of Florenville)
Marvie (Parish of Bastogne)
Mazul (parish of Longlier)
Meix-devant-Virton (parish of Meix)
Melinne (parish of Soy)
Mellier (parish of Eglise)
Mênil (parish of Amberloup)
Menil (parish of Arbrefontaine)
Menil (parish of Chassepierre)
Menil (parish of Marenne)
Menufontaine (parish of Fauvillers)
Mierchamps (parish of Vecquemont)
Moinil (parish of Longchamps)
Molinfaing (parish of Longlier
Monplainchamp (parish of Longlier)
Mont (parish of Bastogne)
Mont (parish of Haut-Fays)
Mont (parish of Saint Urbain)
Mont (parish of Vielsalm)
Montignolles (parish of Grandmenil)
Mormont (parish of Weris)
Mormont (parish of Wibrin)
Mortehan (parish of Sainte-Cecile)
Morville (parish of Weris)
Moyen (parish of Izel)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Namousart (parish of Longlier)
Nantimont (parish of Etalle)
Narcimont (parish of Eglise)
Nawiscour (parish of Amberloup)
Neffe (parish of Bastogne)
Neufchateau (parish of Longlier)
Neupont (Parish of Wellin)
Neuville (parish of Vielsalm)
Neuville-au-bois (parish of Champlon)
Neuvillers (parish of Saint Pierre)
Nimbermont (parish of Rondu)
Nolinfaing (parish of Longlier)
Nohaiprez (parish of Rendeux Ste Marie)
Notomb (parish of Attert)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Offaing (parish of Longlier)
Onneux (parish of Borlon)
Orreux (parish of Amberloup)
Orsinfaing (parish of Viller-sur-Samois)
Orval (Abbey)
Oster (parish of Erezé)
Ourt (parish of Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Ozo (parish of Izier)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Palange (parish of Durbuy)
Petit-Eneille (parish of Eneilles)
Petite-Halleux (parish of Vielsalm)
Petit-Thier (parish of Vielsalm)
Petit-Voir (parish of Longlier)
Pin (parish of Izel)
Pisserotte (parish of Tailles)
Poncelle (parish of Tintigny)
Poss (parish of Attert)
Presseux (parish of Saint Pierre Chevigny)
Prouvy (parish of Jamoigne)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Rancimont (parish of Eglise)
Rechrival (parish of Loupville)
Recogne (parish of Noville)
Recogne (parish of Saint Pierre Chevigny)
Redel (parish of Martelange)
Remy-Champagne (parish of Nives)
Remy-Champagne (parish of Remoiville)
Rencheux (parish of Vielsalm)
Renuamont (parish of Loupville)
Respelle (parish of Longlier)
Romponcelle (parish of Jamoigne)
Ronchamps (parish of Vecquemont)
Ronchapay (parish of Vecquemont)
Ronson (parish of Rendeux Ste Marie)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Saint-Hubert (parish of Saint Gilles)
Saint-Medard (parish of Orgeo)
Saint-Pierre (parish of Saint-Pierre-Chevigny)
Saint-Vincent (parish of Tintigny)
Saloscour (parish of Hompres)
Salm Chateau (parish of Vielsalm)
Sal-Treumont (parish of Givroulle)
Sampont (parish of Orgeo)
Sampont (parish of Hachy)
Sart (parish of Longlier)
Sawy (parish of Bastogne)
Sclassin (parish of Haut-Fays)
Sechery (parish of Redu)
Semel (parish of Longlier)
Septon (parish of Petite-somme)
Sevescour (parish of Bras)
Siberchamps (of the parish Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Signeux (parish of Saint-Remy)
Sivry (parish of Etalle)
Sohier (of Wellin Parish)
Sosses (parish of Eglise)
Suxy (parish of Chiney)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Tatteret (parish of Thiaumont)
Termes (parish of Jamoigne)
Thibisart (parish of Eglise)
Thise (Parish of Humain)
Thour (parish of Heyd)
Toernich (parish of Habergy)
Tonny (parish of Amberloup)
Tortru (parish of Vance)
Tournay (parish of Longlier)
Traimont (parish of Witry)
Tronquoy (parish of Longlier)
Tropsory (parish of Erneuville)
Udange (parish of Wolckringen)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Valensart (parish of Anliers)
Vaux Les Rosières (parish of Rosière)
Veaux (parish of Eblie)
Ville (parish of My)
Ville du Bois (parish of Vielsalm)
Villemont (parish of Longchamps)
Viller (parish of Samré)
Villers Devant Orval (parish of Auflance, France)
Villers-la-Bonne-Eau et Losange
Villers-la-Loue (parish of Tonnelalong)
Viville (parish of Arlon)
Volaiville (parish of Witry)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Waillimont (parish of Orgeo)
Walensart (parish of Jamoigne)
Walrinsart (parish of Muno)
Waltzing (parish of Arlon)
War (parish of Tohogne)
Warisy (parish of Jupille)
Warmifontaine (parish of Longlier)
Werpen (Parish of Melreux)
Weyler (parish of Arlon)
Wideumont (parish of Sainte-Marie Chevigny)
Wigny (parish of Roumont)
Willencourt (parish of Musson)
Wilogne (parish of Saint Urbain)
Winville (parish of Witry)
Wittimont (parish of Eglise)
Wy (Parish of Soy)
- 1766 Belgium Census -Province of Luxembourg
- 1766 Belgium Census of the Province of Namur
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